This Spring has seen an absolute abundance of Blackthorn blossom. The Blackthorn blooms earlier than the Hawthorn because it fills its bare branches with snowy white flowers before it comes into leaf. This makes it one of the great messengers of the promise of warmer longer days. A dazzling display of tender white flowers filling the hedgerows - life is restored from the death of winter.
Yet whilst the Hawthorn is honoured the Blackthorn is thought to bring bad luck and has even been decried as the tree that provided the crown of thorns for Jesus' crucifixion. So I would like to give a little honour to the Blackthorn to give her thanks for her wonderful display of blossom in the early Spring. To cherish her for the way she offers protection to small creatures. To thank her for helping to build woodland by protecting the tender shoots of tall trees from the hunger of large animals. For the tonic of flowers and fruits and the wonder of sloe gin. She truly evokes the nurturing magic of the Goddess.
Now I cannot wait for the Hawthorn blossom, its heady, erotic scent and the promise of what a friend calls, The Festival of Sockoff. In case you do not know Sockoff is that special moment when it is warm enough to free the feet of shoes and socks and press your toes into the loving embrace of Mother Earth.
Labels: Blackthorn, Hawthorn, Nurture, Sockoff