Present in the present
February has definitely been a month of changes. The temperature has risen as high as 17C and has fallen as low as -9C. There have been sunny days with bright blue skies and barely a breeze. There have been days when thick dark cloud has rushed along the skies as if they expected no tomorrow. There have been times of incredible beauty; especially after several days of sub-zero temperatures. Days when every tree and bush was adorned in sparkling white array. Every day there has been some new sign of life. An earlier sunrise. A later sunset. Crocuses and daffodils and the first signs of green.
To be alive is to be open to change. To live with the Goddess is to be utterly present to change. To be aware of the changing patterns of the moon and the planets, the hours and the seasons, cold and heat, light and colour is to delight in Her. To be conscious of the effects of these changes - small and large, change within change, in a myriad complex patterns - on my own body is to honour Her in my very self.
Some speak of past paradise. Some speak of future heaven. But we are present in the present which is the gift of the Goddess. The present is full of wonder and beauty and magic. It is ever changing, ever unfolding. It is utterly sacred to Her. It is Her present to us and She expects us to delight in it. To align my spiritual practice with the cycles of nature, life and my own body is completely natural. It feels absolutely right. It uplifts the spirit and makes me want to savour every single moment; to dance in joy and thanksgiving.